
Product Care: How to Clean uPVC

2 April 2023

Product Care: How to Clean uPVC

How to clean your uPVC windows and doors  

Here is our guide to all the DO’s and DO NOT’s on how to clean uPVC. 


How to clean uPVC window frames 

Regular washing with warm, soapy water will preserve your white uPVC window frames in the greatest condition and prevent any discoloration or damage brought on by overly forceful cleaning while attempting to remove persistent stains. 

DO: Use a soft brush/cloth to brush off any dust and loose dirt. 

DO: Use a hose or watering can to rinse the windows with clean water to remove dirt 

DO: Make a soapy water solution with a drop of fairy liquid or a bought liquid window cleaner- use an open top bottle, rather than a spray  

  • Alternatives: ½ cups of vinegar with 2 cups water (adding a couple of drops of washing up liquid will help even more)  

DO: Use a soft cloth with the window cleaning solution to wash down window frames 

DO NOT: Use wire wool, a scouring pad or a sponge with a harsh surface  

DO NOT : Never spray any window spray directly onto your window frames  

DO NOT : use a glass cleaner on the frames 

DO NOT : use bleach, methylated spirits, white spirits or WD40 

DO NOT : use cream cleaners, scouring powder or other abrasive cleaners 

DO NOT : use caustic or ammonia-based cleaning agents 

DO NOT : use steel wool or scouring pads 

If you want to take your uPVC window frames to another level and make them sparkle, follow these steps:  

Using a high-quality squeegee with a soft blade is the key to having windows that are crystal clear (like window cleaners do). Start at one side and either swipe from top to bottom or sweep from side to side to the bottom. After each swipe, use your fingers or a rag to wipe out any excess water from the squeegee. 


How to clean mould off uPVC windows and doors:  

  • Use a hot water and soap solution, together with a soft cloth, to remove mould and black mould from uPVC window frames. 
  • In the event that this fails, you can also use vinegar.- Combine 4 cups of boiling water with 1 cup of vinegar. 
  • Spray the uPVC with spritzer fluid. 
  • Give this a 10-minute break. 
  • To clean, blot with a clean, dry cloth. 

DO NOT– Use bleach or white spirits on uPVC since they can make the material brown. 


How to clean uPVC window sills  

  • Prepare a warm water soapy solution with a few drops of liquid window cleaner or dishwashing detergent (not the spray type). 
  • To clean the sills, use a sponge or towel that won’t scratch them. 
  • To get rid of tough dirt, you might need to saturate the sill and let it sit for five minutes. 

DO NOT– scrape the surface with a scouring pad or cream cleaner because doing so will harm it in the long run. 


How to clean uPVC doors 

Use the same method for cleaning your uPVC doors as you would for cleaning your uPVC windows. Make sure to get rid of any dirt around the hinges and frames, as they are places your uPVC doors will build up dirt and grime.  

  • Vacuuming the hinges and frame 
  • Clean up dirt 
  • Use a warm, soapy water 
  • Wash off with fresh water. 


How can I get uPVC to be white again? 

Cheaper and older white uPVC has been known to turn yellow with time. If it’s a quality issue, there isn’t much you can do to fix the whiteness. 

As was already mentioned, uPVC will be covered with tiny scratches that make the frame appear dull and discoloured if the frame has been damaged by an abrasive product, scouring pad, or years of using a cream cleanser. If this has occurred, there is nothing you can do to restore the shining white frames. 

If you think your uPVC product has discoloured, our best advice is to use vinegar to clean it.  


  • Combine 4 cups of boiling water with 1 cup of vinegar. 
  • Spray the uPVC with spritzer fluid. 
  • Give this a 10-minute break. 

DO NOT– Use bleach or white spirits to clean; they will harm the uPVC’s surface. Instead, use a clean, dry cloth. 

A scouring pad, wire wool, or any other rough material should never be used with excessive pressure as this can permanently scratch and damage the surface of the uPVC. While uPVC is porous, keep in mind that many detergents include concealed colouring, which might react and irreversibly stain your window frames. And you cannot re-bleach them white. 

At Total Home NI, we have a wide range of uPVC products which come in a wide range of colours and styles.


  • Can I use bleach on uPVC? 

DO NOT use bleach as one of the primary issues with less expensive or older uPVC is that it can develop a yellow tinge. 

Never use bleach to clean the sills or frames of uPVC windows. The uPVC surface will be harmed, and it may become permanently discoloured. The uPVC frame can become brown if bleach is left on it for too long. Any chemical could react with the chemicals in the uPVC and peel the surface, leaving it to look matte, dull, or even coloured. This damage is irreversible. 

  • Can I use white spirit to clean uPVC?  

Do not clean uPVC frames or doors with white spirits, methylated spirits, or WD40. The uPVC surface will be irreparably harmed. 

 Check out this article from the Daily Mail on further tips and tricks how to clean uPVC

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